A Beautiful Goodbye for Monique

14 octubre, 2017

FR: goo.gl/ivCidT

The family invites everyone to a musical celebration of Monique’s life to be held on Saturday, October 14th at 11 AM at the Unitarian Church. It is where the Yellow Door Choir has rented rehearsal space for many years and has become a second home.

In keeping with her wishes, the event will be a joyous one; everyone is encouraged to wear bright colors (esp. her favorite: blue) and to join the choir in song. After the service, lights refreshments—including some of Monique’s favorites—will be served.

In lieu of flowers, the family requests that people make a blood donation in Monique’s memory and consider becoming tissue and organ donors. Blood donors saved Monique’s life in 2011 when she had so many transfusions that she emptied the blood bank; thanks to these wonderful donors, Monique and her loved ones were able to share an additional six years of memories. The family would also gratefully accept donations to the Yellow Door Choir in her memory.

Acerca de

Fecha 14 octubre, 2017
Hora 11:00am-1:00pm
Lugar Unitarian Church of Montreal
5035, Boulevard de Maisonneuve Ouest
Montréal, QC, H4A 1Y5

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