Lise Fetterly (nee Petit)

Skating for Lise | Patiner pour Lise

15 septiembre, 2017

Join us with your family for an enchanting evening of ice skating as we celebrate Lise and her life devoted to her beloved sport of figure skating. Lise loved to skate and coach her students and was never far away from the ice. We celebrate and remember her this evening surrounded by her family & friends skating together to her favorite Waltzes, watching a beautiful skating routine dedication and saying goodbye to her with joyful memories.
Guests that do not skate are welcome. There will be a cocktail dinatoire.

Joignez nous avec votre famille pour une soirée de patinage à la mémoire de Lise qui a dévoué la majeure partie de sa vie à son sport de patinage artistique. Nous allons célébrer sa vie en patinant à sa music préférée, en regardant une routine dédiée en sa mémoire et en partageant des bons souvenirs.
Les invités qui ne patinent pas sont la bienvenue. Il y aura un cocktail dinatoire.

Acerca de

Fecha 15 septiembre, 2017
Hora 18:30-20:30
Lugar L'Atrium Le 1000
1000, Rue de la Gauchetière Ouest
Montréal, QC, H3B 4W5

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Nicole Guy published a question .

Good morning Bridget I will be there Friday night, but not skating. I have an apooint.
In orthopédic at Mtl Général at 9:30 Friday, but I find your idea so fantastic that I wish to go.
M'y Pascal will be with me



Frank Ciampini published a question .

Hello Bridget, thank you for the invitation. Unfortunately Helen and I cannot attend as we have a prior engagement that same evening. All the best along with "un forte abbraccio" to you, Paolo and Alessandro! A presto!



Stefanie Rochford published a question .

Hello Bridget,

I thank-you for the invitation but I do not have the beautiful skills that your mom had and cannot skate at all! I have wonderful memories of her passion for skating and sports, she was actually the reason my mom started me in swimming at Pointe-Claire and this has been a passion on mine ever since. Take care of yourself and your family.




Heather Crawford published a question .

Bridget - I am so sorry that I cannot be with you. But, I will, of course, be with you in spirit. Such a lovely way to remember your mom and Alessandro's grandmama.



Silvia Ugolini published a question .

Although I would love to attend, I am in the thick of homecoming at the university beginning Thursday evening.



Helene Mccormack published a question .

Thank you Bridget for the kind invitation. I am unable to attend but know that you will be in my thoughts that evening. What a wonderful way to celebrate your mother's life.



Nadia published a question .

Thank you for the invitation, I'm sorry I won't be able to attend. What a great way to commemorate your mother's life. Thinking of you all



Valerie Petit published a question .

This is a wonderful idea! I will let you know about my guests ASAP by email. I am looking forward to such a special celebration.



Anthony Fargnoli published a question .

Thank you for the invitation But Kathryn and I will be out of town. It will be a really neat celebration of your Mom's life.


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Lista de invitados

Alessandro Bassi
Alexa Argentin
Anne Marie Mccusker
Arlen Bonnar
Bobby Mcmullan
Bonnie Brayton
Carla Piccinini
Chantal Perron
Charles Nieto
Chloe Tramley